How do I Salute in Japan?

Saluting is a common way for people to greet one another in Japanese culture. The hand salute is generally used by Japanese military personnel upon coming in to contact with other military persons regardless of status or category. The bow is another form of salute, which is generally used as a greeting between civilians. This type of salute is also a way of expressing thanks, great respect, asking for forgiveness and making requests. The bow especially is an important gesture for tourists to be aware of when traveling to Japan.


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      Stand straight and raise the right hand up to the level of the right eyebrow in order to perform a Japanese military salute. Remember to hold the right hand straight throughout.

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      Give a small nod of the head for an informal salute among civilians. Bringing the hands together in front of the chest in a prayer-like pose is optional, although it is important for the action to be done sincerely in order to show courtesy.

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      Bend deeply at the waist to pay respect to a person of a higher status upon greeting. The longer the bow, the more respectful the gesture. This action can also be used in conjunction with the Japanese military hand salute in order to express greater courtesy.

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