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How to Study in Japan

If you have ever wanted to learn how to speak Japanese, what better way than to study in Japan. While you are there learning the Japanese language you can take advantage of the opportunity to learn about Japanese culture by visiting tourist attractions such as the Imperial Palace and Yasukuni Shrine.


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      Find a school to study in Japan. When choosing your school it can help to ask yourself if you want to study in a busy metropolitan area that provides easy access to tourist activities like Tokyo does.

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      Get in touch with your school in Japan to see what programs they offer. Some establishments offer classes as short as two weeks or as long as six months. You can choose "homestay" which immerses you in the Japanese culture and language in a qualified host's residence.

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      Fill out the application form and return it with all other needed materials by the possible deadline. Expect to pay nonrefundable processing fees, provide proof of any previous education and a copy of your passport. Ask for prices and possible scholarship opportunities. Internships may be available, but check if they qualify for college credit.

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      Learn the rules about needing a visa and apply for your visa after being accepted into the program. You do not need a visa to get into Japan if you are studying for less than 90 days and are from certain European Union countries, the United States or Australia. All other students planning on studying in Japan for three months or longer must contact your closest Japanese consulate.

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      Book your plane trip soon after you learn of your acceptance. Keep your school informed so they can pick you up at the right time. Before you leave to study in Japan, call ahead to your school to make sure all of your accommodations are set up correctly.

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