How to Use a Money Belt

Nothing can derail a trip faster than lost or stolen valuables. Your money, credit cards, and travel documents are your lifelines during voyages abroad, and knowing that they're safe can be essential for peace of mind. One of the best methods of protecting your valuables while traveling is by using a money belt. This simple cloth or nylon pouch is connected by a string worn over the body to keep important documents and cash safe from pickpockets searching for easy targets.

Things You'll Need

  • Money Belt Travel documents Cash Small plastic storage bag
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      Slip the money belt on under your clothes (placing the belt over an undershirt may be the most comfortable option) before leaving your hotel room, and make sure to put any cash needed for planned activities in your pocket or wallet.

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      Place all other cash, credit cards, passport, traveler's checks, and travel documents such as plane or train tickets in the pouch pockets of the money belt.

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      Head to a restroom or other private place if you need to take something out of the money belt unexpectedly. Otherwise, grabbing your money belt in public tells the world where you store your valuables.

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