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How to Use an RV Escape Window

Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. That's the best maxim for just about anything in life, and RV travel is no exception. Do you have an emergency escape plan for your recreational vehicle? Hopefully it's a question you've answered with your traveling companions. It's imperative that you are familiar with the simple things like fire extinguishers and escape windows. Don't wait until it's too late to give safety a second thought.

Things You'll Need

  • RV owner's manual
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      Study all safety information in your RV manual. Understand the operation and location of all escape windows and hatches. Physically locate all escape windows--they will be clearly marked with red handles and signage.

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      Test your window, but only if the owner's manual allows testing to be done. Turn the handle (for those with red handles) and then close again securely. Other escape systems have a cord to pull or a push-out window. Educate all passengers about using the emergency escape.

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      Use your escape window in an emergency, but only after the vehicle has stopped. Exit the window feet-first. Grab the bottom of the window edge with your hands and let yourself down to the ground. The strongest person should exit first in order to assist all other passengers out the window. Quickly get far away from the vehicle and call for help.

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      Never stop to retrieve personal items in an emergency. Never re-enter a burning RV to retrieve anything.

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      Test your smoke detectors and replace batteries regularly. If possible, enact practice safety drills so everyone understands the protocol.

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