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RV Emergency Escape Window Procedures

To comply with the standards set by the National Fire Protection Association, recreational vehicles must be equipped with an emergency escape window. Before you set out on the road, you should take some time to become familiar with the procedures for using it.
  1. Make a Plan

    • Just like in your home, you and all your RV passengers should develop an emergency plan in the event of a fire. Write up an escape route map and have all passengers look at it before you embark.

    Opening the Window

    • Make sure everyone knows the location of the escape window and how to use it. Typically, emergency windows can be opened by pulling up on a red tab on the bottom of the window. Be sure to check your owner's manual to find out whether you can open and close the window without resetting it.

    Getting Out

    • As part of your safety plan, every passenger should practice getting out of the escape window. Each person should practice opening the window, going out feet first and jumping to the ground. Each person should be able to get out the window on his own, but if you have elderly adults or children, have a stronger passenger practice helping them out the window.

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