Emergency Flight Procedures

The Federal Aviation Administration sets standards that private and commercial airplanes must follow when an emergency happens on an airplane in the United States. Emergency flight procedures must be in place before a plane can take flight. Procedures differ by type of aircraft. In the event of inclement weather or mechanical problems, you must follow all such procedures.
  1. Aircraft Types

    • Each airplane manufacturer has a set of emergency procedures specific to the aircraft. The list of procedures also varies by problem. A Boeing 747 has a different set of emergency landing procedures than a Piper Aicraft. The Piper aircraft is much smaller and able to land at a small airport. The Boeing 747 has to have a much longer runway since it carries more than 100 passengers whereas the Piper can only hold four or five people. Regardless of the type of plane, it should have a manual on board and a set of emergency landing procedures. If there is a mechanical problem, the pilot then has to prepare for an emergency landing.


    • Bad weather can cause a plane to need an emergency landing. The weather can sometimes cause damage to the aircraft or prevent visibility. For example, a plane flying in the winter may need to land early due to ice on the plane. A plane flying in the summer may need to make an emergency landing due to thunder storms or tornadoes. The air traffic control is usually aware of weather conditions but occasionally a storm may be missed on the radar. In this case the pilot and the air traffic controllers communicate to ensure a safe landing in closest airport.

    Emergency Equipment

    • In the case of an emergency an aircraft is equipped with emergency equipment for flight and crew. This can include oxygen masks, life jackets and in some cases a parachute. On commercial airlines the seats can convert to a floatation device. During a commercial flight the flight attendant explains how the emergency equipment works and where to find it. On all flights, both commercial and private, there must be emergency exit doors and windows.

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