How to Use Contiki

Contiki Tours is a well-known name in the travel business, having been running trips for young people since 1962. Age is the key difference in a Contiki tour, as they are only open to travellers between the ages of 18 and 35. This gives their trips a well-deserved reputation for rowdiness, but they can also be a lot of fun.

Things You'll Need

  • Backpack
  • Passport
  • Cash
  • Camera
  • Travel clothes
  • Major credit card
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  1. Planning a Contiki Trip

    • 1

      Set a timeframe and a budget. Not all trips run all the time, and some may be too expensive. Remember that you will need spending money for some meals, drinks, and many activities. These can make Contiki tours quite expensive.

    • 2

      Decide what area of the world you would like to visit. Contiki offers tours around Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. You can find details of all their destinations on the Contiki website.

    • 3

      Select a trip. Contiki offers many different trips in each region. Pick one that hits the sights you want to see and offers enough free time to enjoy yourself, while still fitting your schedule.

    • 4

      Pay for your trip. You can pay online with a credit card on the Contiki website. There are often significant savings for booking early. You are now registered for a tour.

    • 5

      Book a flight or ride to the city where your tour starts. Since travellers may come from anywhere, tour prices do not include flights.

    • 6

      Pack and get your documents together. You will need luggage, a camera, a passport, your bank card and credit card, clothes for the trip and any necessary immunization shots. You should also purchase travel insurance, either through Contiki or an insurance company. This will cover you in the event of lost baggage or medical emergency. Try to have all this done a month in advance, just in case.

    Travelling With Contiki

    • 7

      Fly to the departure point for your tour. You will be met at the airport by a tour representative. From then on, your hotels, activities, and travel will be organized by the tour leaders.

    • 8

      Meet your tour companions and Contiki team. Since you will be travelling in a group of peers, the relationships can be a critical part of enjoying the trip.

    • 9

      Clarify to the group how social you want to be. If you're a party type, don't hide it. There will be others. People more interested in sights and experiences usually enjoy these trips just as much, but it's always a good idea to make it clear which one you are.

    • 10

      Pick which optional activities you will engage in. Since you usually pay for them on the spot and may not have planned on them, they can be a big drain on your budget

    • 11

      Listen to your tour leaders. They will know the routes and many interesting things to do. A good tour leader will make a good trip.

    • 12

      Travel home. Many Contiki tours are lines, not loops, so you will need to book transport that returns home from a different city than you travelled to to begin the trip.

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