How to Use a AAA Tour Book

AAA Tour Books are a great resource for finding things to do and places to stay on a road trips. Once you get the hang of using a AAA Tour Book, you'll never want to go on a trip without one again.


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      Find your state by using the color-coded pages. Most U.S. Tour Books include multiples states; you can tell which state you are looking under by the color of the top of the pages. The points of interest are located in the first half of the Tour Book, while the lodgings and restaurants are located in the second half.

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      Browse by city name. Cities are listed alphabetically. In the case of a major metropolitan area, suburbs are listed alphabetically within a subsection that is colored a lighter version of the main color. For example, within the Detroit subsection in the Michigan Tour Book, Royal Oak and Rochester are listed.

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      Read descriptions of various points of interest. Each listing includes the address, phone number, hours of operation, admission fees and a suggested time allotment, along with a description of the point of interest.

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      View lodging listings, which are alphabetical by hotel name under the heading "Where to Stay". These listings include information about the hotel, including rates, amenities, address and phone number. Restaurant listings are under the heading "Where to Dine," and include information about the type of food served and the general price range.

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      Look for the Gem icons next to points of interest. These are the places AAA considers to be "must see" destinations. For the lodging and restaurant listings, the gems represent a quality rating from 1 to 4 gems.

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      Locate red "Save" icons next to points of interest that offer a discount for AAA members. These discounts are reflected with red gems and the AAA logo in lodging and restaurant listings.

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