How to Convert Money From Thailand

The currency used in Thailand is the "baht." It comes in 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1,000 baht notes and 0.25, 0.5, 1, 5 and 10 baht coins. Values below 1 baht are termed "Satang," with 100 satang to 1 baht. When traveling out of Thailand, you may only take a maximum of 50,000 baht out of the country, but are able to take unlimited amounts of foreign currency. The baht is only used in Thailand, and can be converted to the currency of your choice.


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      Locate a foreign currency exchange. Foreign currency can be exchanged in banks and foreign exchange offices. Do not try to exchange money through an unofficial source, as you have no guarantee of what you are receiving. Outside Thailand, ensure that the exchange agent will trade in Thai baht.

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      Compare the rates offered by the foreign exchange. The Thai baht has been a fairly stable currency in recent years, but it is possible to find variations in how much of a new currency you will get for your baht. It is a good idea to check the general rate of the baht with online currency converters (see Resources) before going to make the currency exchange. In August 2010, US $1= 31 baht, 1 Euro = 40 baht, and £1 sterling = 49 baht.

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      Take your passport. Some foreign exchange counters require that you show your passport before you can change money.

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      Tell the exchanger how much baht you would like to convert. Watch as he types the rate into the calculator to make the exchange. He will tell you how much of your chosen currency you will be receiving. It is a good idea to take a calculator with you, so you can double-check the exchange amount. Submit your Thai baht to the exchanger and he will count it, before handing you the foreign currency.

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      Count the amount received in front of the exchanger. If all is correct, you are done. The exchanger will also give you a receipt with the transaction calculations on it.

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