How to Convert to Dinar

The dinar is the official currency in Middle Eastern countries including Iraq, Jordan, Algeria, Bahrain, Tunisia, Libya, Kuwait, Macedonia and Serbia. Banknotes are in circulation in a variety of amounts and colors, ranging from a purple 50 dinar note, to a red 25,000 note, featuring a Kurdish farmer with wheat. The value of the dinar varies from country to country, with many having increasingly high inflation rates. Checking the value of the dinar can be performed by using currency exchange websites for the latest data. When the time is right, converting a currency to dinar can be achieved by doing research online, followed by taking an appropriate amount of currency to trade, to an exchange outlet of choice.


    • 1

      Search the Web to find a reputable website designed on time-accurate currency exchange rates. is an example of a currency exchange website that can be used and trusted for having precise results.

    • 2

      Click on "Currency Converter" from the top task bar on Under "Currency I Have," select the currency you wish to exchange to dinar. The box directly under "Currency I Have," provides a drop-down menu of currencies from around the world if the initial selection is different from what you have to exchange.

    • 3

      Enter the amount of currency you have to exchange under the "Amount" section.

    • 4

      Examine the right side of the screen where a "Currency I Want" section is presented. Use the drop-down menu, by clicking on the black downward arrow on the right side of the white box, to scroll down and select dinar as the currency of choice. As of 2010, the dinar is listed under various countries, including the Algerian dinar and Bahraini dinar. Select the country you wish to use the dinar to purchase an item, or invest.

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      Observe the "Amount" section under the currency you chose, to have a time-accurate exchange rate. Check frequently if necessary, as the exchange rate value can change at any time without notice.

    • 6

      Visit a foreign exchange outlet, bank or travel agency to convert your currency to dinars. Be prepared to have an added amount of initial currency with you, as various agencies may require a transaction fee for their services in the transfer.

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