How to Raise Money to Travel

If you're helping to organize a group trip, whether it's a mission trip or a sight-seeing tour, covering the cost can become rather expensive. But there are more than a few ways to defray the cost of your adventure. With some creative marketing and a little bit of ingenuity you can successfully raise money to travel.

Things You'll Need

  • Budget
  • Computer
  • Paper
  • Donated items
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      Plan a budget for your travel. Determine average transportation, lodging, food and spending costs for each member of the group.This will give you an idea of how much money you need to raise.

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      Seek support from family members. Some members of your group may be able to get all the money they need from family members. It may help to create a brochure of your cause or purpose for traveling, a description of your plans while you're there and a chart showing your fund-raising goals.

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      Contact local businesses to request donations, either in money or in items that can be raffled or auctioned.

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      Have a car wash, auction, bake sale or rummage sale. Advertise your reason for holding the event and make sure you get lots of exposure. Ask friends and family to donate items for sale or auction and to help with the event.

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      Offer your services, such as baby-sitting or lawn care, in the local newspaper, on the community bulletin board or on websites such as Craigslist.

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      Raise money for your next travel adventure by having a member of your group write about your current one. Many online publications will pay for travel pieces.

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