Immunizations for Travel to Peru

When traveling to Peru, many types of inoculations are recommended, but as of 2009, none are required. You should always check for the most current information when actually preparing for your trip since requirements can change. It is best to find a clinic that specializes in travel vaccinations, as many general practitioners will not be up-to-date on the requirements. You should plan to get your inoculations well in advance of traveling, as some require more than one dose, and people often feel mildly ill for a day or two after being vaccinated.
  1. Recommended for Everyone

    • Many childhood diseases are still quite common in Peru, so if your routine vaccinations, such as MMR (measles/mumps/rubella), are not up-to-date you should see to this before traveling. Hepatitis A is commonly suggested for anyone traveling to South America and typhoid incoculation is advised if you will be traveling to rural areas, villages and smaller cities.

    Traveling East of the Andes

    • If your travel plans will take you east of the Andes mountains into the jungle areas of Peru, you are advised to get a shot for yellow fever and ask the doctor for anti-malarial tablets to take during your trip. Yellow fever vaccinations should be given at least 10 days before travel. This is not necessary for travel to Lima, Cusco or Machu Pichu.

    Outdoors Enthusiasts

    • If you are an active person who plans to spend a lot of time outdoors in Peru in places where you might encounter wildlife, ensure your rabies vaccination is current. This includes campers, hikers and cyclists and is advised for all children, who are more likely to pet or play with animals that could be infected.

    High Risk Activities

    • If you plan to participate in activities that carry a high risk of injury while traveling in Peru, or if you are likely to be exposed to blood or bodily fluids, you should add Hepatitis B to your vaccination list.


    • Tetanus-diphtheria vaccination is recommended for everyone, traveling or not, and should be updated every 10 years. This is especially important for South American countries like Peru, where diphtheria outbreaks still occur.

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