How to Read the Legend & Symbols on a Map

A map can be the difference between getting lost or enjoying a leisurely driving trip. Maps are smaller representations of the larger world, communicating information such as highway routes and location of cities, schools, parks and campgrounds. Maps can also show environmental features such as elevation, waterways and vegetation. General-purpose maps help you identify travel routes and points of interest using symbols, scale and direction. You can interpret the information on maps by referring to the symbols defined by a map's legend or key.

Things You'll Need

  • Map
  • Magnifying glass
  • Ruler
  • Calculator
  • Compass
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    • 1

      Read the symbol definitions in the legend, and search your map for the symbols. Use a magnifying glass when reading the legend, if necessary. General-use maps include symbols for points of interest such as parks, rest areas, airports, schools and hospitals.

    • 2

      Look at the symbols in the legend that represent roads, highways, railways and bridges on your map. Note the line thicknesses, shapes and colors the legend uses to distinguish between different types of routes, such as multi-lane highways and scenic routes. Using a map to identify roads can help you choose driving routes between cities and other points of interest.

    • 3

      Measure the distance between locations on your map, accounting for curves in roads, using a ruler. Compare that measurement to the map's scale to determine the real-world distance between locations. The map scale may say "1 inch equals approximately 15 miles," for example.

    • 4

      Review shading colors and fill patterns that your map uses to indicate city and state limits and national park boundaries. Maps also use shading to indicate elevation or other natural features, but elevation can also be indicated by contour circles (an overlay of concentric circles on valleys or mountains to indicate increasing or decreasing elevations), such as on topographic maps.

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