How to Repair Suitcase Feet

A favorite suitcase is a well-used suitcase and frequent travelers know the wear and tear that can happen to luggage. Suitcases get thrown around a lot, and many of the parts, including handles, wheels and feet, are made from plastic and can become cracked or damaged. Repair small cracks in suitcase feet with a high-strength, two-part epoxy. For more severe damage, replacement feet can be purchased and are typically attached with rivets.

Things You'll Need

  • 2-part epoxy
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Locking vise grip
  • OR
  • Flathead screw driver
  • Drill with carbide bit
  • Replacement feet
  • Rivet hole punch or awl and hammer
  • Rivets
  • Rivet tool
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  1. Epoxy Repair

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      Mix together equal portions of the two epoxy liquids using a Popsicle stick or a similar type of stir stick. Mix them in a disposable container. The epoxy will start to set up rapidly and must be applied immediately after mixing.

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      Spread on and squeeze the epoxy into the cracks using a Popsicle stick or a similar type of flat stick.

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      Clamp the feet with a locking vise grip to keep the crack closed as the epoxy sets up. Allow the epoxy to set up according to the instructions on the package. The epoxy dries transparent.

    Replacement Feet

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      Purchase replacement feet that are equal or close in size to your feet. Generic replacement feet can be obtained from luggage suppliers, or contact the manufacturer of your luggage to inquire suitable replacement feet. If rivets do not come with the replacement feet, find out what size of rivet is recommended.

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      Remove the rivets on the old feet. Pry apart the rivet with a flat head screwdriver. Wedge the screwdriver under the flat side of the rivet and give it a sharp blow with a hammer. Hard to remove rivets can be dislodged by drilling through the stem of the rivet with a drill that has a carbide drill bit. Use a small drill bit size, so as not to enlarge the previous hole.

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      Line up the new feet with the old rivet holes. If they do not match, new rivet holes can be made with a rivet hole punch or with an awl and hammer. Affix the new rivets using a rivet tool.

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