How to Pack for the Caribbean: Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Planning a trip to Punta Cana and not sure what to pack? Unlike most Caribbean hot spots, Punta Cana is still very rustic; pack some additional things from home so you won't get caught having to pay extra for sundries.

Things You'll Need

  • Insect repellent
  • Rain jacket or poncho
  • Stomach upset medicine
  • Aspirin or Ibuprofen
  • Sunblock
  • Hat or visor
  • MP3 player or iPod
  • Packaged snacks
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      Keep your packing list simple. Punta Cana is very casual, and you'll spend most of your time in your bathing suit. If you are staying at an all-inclusive resort, men wear long pants and collared shirts at dinner. Don't panic: This means a polo shirt with chinos. Women can get away with pretty much anything as long as it is in good taste and not just a bathing suit. Pack at least three sundresses for a weeklong trip, along with a denim skirt, a few tank tops, and a pair of black capris, in addition to swimsuits and cover-up. One pair of flip-flops for the beach and one pair of comfy slides to wear to dinner usually do the trick.

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      Pack a small medicine/first aid kit. Make sure it contains all the essentials plus aspirin and any tummy soothing remedies. The Dominican diet is high in fresh fruits, vegetables and exotic ingredients that your system may not be used to. Over-the-counter remedies and toiletries in Punta Cana are expensive.

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      Pack lots of sunblock, a hat or visor, good sunglasses and aloe vera gel. The sun is very intense in Punta Cana, and even the most seasoned tanner will burn if not careful. This goes for your eyes, too. Take a great pair of SPF sunglasses or goggles for those long afternoons on the beach.

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      Don't forget the mosquito repellent! Many resorts have many small ponds that are lovely, but a breeding ground. Enjoy your outdoor dinner or nightly entertainment without the bites and nibbles.

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      Plan for a chilly or rainy day. Pack a lightweight nylon jacket in case rain rolls in or the weather becomes chilly. Pack a compact umbrella in case your room is a long walk from the main lobby where most activities and restaurants are.

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      TV and Internet reception can be unpredictable in Punta Cana, so take plenty of books and your iPod for long lazy days on the beach. Books and anything "American" in Punta Cana are expensive, especially in the gift shops.

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      Crave a candy bar? Pack snacks in your suitcase rather than paying outrageous prices in the gift shop.

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      Leave your bulky beach towels at home. Hotels provide clean beach towels. Most hotels also provide free snorkel gear and nonmotorized water activities. Check your hotel website to make sure.

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