Precautions for Traveling With Vitamins

The Transportation Security Administration is not going to stop you from traveling with vitamins, and neither will U.S. Customs. However, to save yourself time and potentially invasive bag searches, it's a good idea to take a few simple precautions when it comes to the amount of vitamins you take and how you store them. Proper storage is also essential in keeping them out of the hands of curious children.

  1. TSA Rules on Vitamins

    • The TSA allows passengers to bring vitamins in pill or solid form onto planes. They don't have quantity restrictions, but U.S. Customs suggests you take only an amount that reasonably indicates personal use. Traveling with 10 pounds of vitamin C or folic acid might raise eyebrows. You aren't required to keep your vitamins in specific bottles or containers, but if you have them well-marked, you won't have to answer questions about what they are.

    Storing Vitamins for Travel

    • An adult-strength vitamin can harm a child, so think safety when you travel. If your vitamins came in marked, child-resistant containers, keep them there. Pill organizers and baggies might be more convenient when you travel, but there is nothing to stop a child from taking the vitamins out and mistaking them for candy. Always re-lock the safety cap when you take a vitamin. Keep them in your carry-on luggage when you travel so you won't have to worry about losing them.

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