Snack Ideas for Air Travel With a Toddler

One of the ways to keep toddlers happy during a flight is to feed them snacks. There are certain things to consider when planning snack choices, such as airline regulations and messiness during the plane ride. With a little preparation, you should be able to keep your child satisfied for their snack time in the air.
  1. Fresh Fruit

    • Loading your child with sweets and refined sugars will make the trip a lot harder to handle if they react by wanting to run all over the plane. A fresh fruit salad made with their favorite fruits is a healthy alternative and also keeps them extra hydrated and loaded with vitamin C.


    • Cutting a sandwich into shapes will surely delight your toddler.

      You may want to stick with what your toddler is used to eating to keep things familiar in an unfamiliar situation. You can spice up their sandwich by using a cookie cutter to shape it differently. They might be surprised and amused, helping to kill some time. Another way to keep your child entertained is to bring all the fixings for their sandwich and let them make it themselves.

    Pre-Packed snacks

    • Snacks such as little boxes of cereal, granola bars and small bags of pretzels are a convenient way to travel with food. You won't have to worry about preparing anything or be concerned about big messes on the plane. Yogurt would be beneficial to bring along as a snack to ensure good bacteria is entering your toddler's body.


    • Make mini muffins for less of a mess.

      Vegetables are not very easy to come by when you are traveling. Baking a small batch of banana carrot or zucchini chocolate chip muffins is a simple way to ensure that your baby is getting a serving of vegetables during the flight. Miniature muffins make less of a mess in a confined place. You may also want to pack them in plastic storage containers to make sure they don't get crumbled up by the time you get to your plane.


    • Don't forget to bring empty bottles or sippy cups to put drinks in.

      Aside from baby formula, taking any liquid over three ounces through security is not allowed in most cases, even with a child. Once you get through security there are plenty of places to grab some juice, milk or water for your child. It is best to purchase something for them to drink before boarding the plane in case it takes a while for the in-flight service to begin.

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