How to Locate an Individual's Passport Number

A passport gives a United States citizen proof of identification when traveling abroad with the US government. On a passport a citizen is identified with a passport number. This is an official form of photo identification. You can only obtain this information with the physical passport. However, if you have copies made of your passport in case you misplace the passport you can use these as well to prove you have one.


    • 1

      Open your passport to the inside cover of your document to the page with your photo on it.

    • 2

      Read at the bottom of the page "passport number." The number printed underneath is your passport number.

    • 3

      Read the number off a copy you made of your document. These copies should be kept on hand to file with the US Embassy when you arrive in your destination in case your passport is lost. You just need to copy the inside cover for the information.

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