China Visa Requirements for Canadians

The requirements for a visa to China for Canadian citizens are the same as the requirements for American citizens and can generally be completed within the course of a day. There are, however, additional requirements for specific visas such as work, study, missionary and permanent resident visas. These require specific documents such as employment or university acceptance letters. All application forms can be found at the website of the Embassy of China in Canada.
  1. Visa Application Form

    • The visa application form can be found at the website of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Canada ( under the "Consular Services" section. The application is a two-page PDF document that you must fill in on electronically with all capital letters. The application requests personal information, details of your purpose for visiting China (work, tourism, study), and any Chinese contacts you know and or are visiting. When the form is complete, print and sign with black ink.


    • Along with the application form you must send your original Canadian passport with at least six months remaining validity and sufficient blank pages to adhere the visa to. When sending sensitive items such as passports in the mail, choose the fastest method of delivery to ensure the greatest security of your items.


    • One color 2 in x 2 in passport photo must be glued to the spot designated on the upper right-hand corner of the application page.

    Work Visa

    • In addition to the basic (tourist) visa application requirements (application form, passport, photo) an applicant for a work visa must submit the original and copy of an authorized letter of employment or invitation to work, the original and copy of the Alien Employment License given by the Ministry of Human Resources (your employer files), authorized notification for visas for family members (if applicable) and the original copy of medical exam for foreign workers. Most companies help take care of most of the visa paperwork for their employees.

    Student Visa

    • Student visas require the addition of the original and copy of the letter of enrollment from the school or university in China and the results of the physical examination for foreigners.

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