Rules for Visa in Australia

Rules for obtaining an Australian visa vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for. Visas may be issued electronically, or in the form of a sticker in your passport. It is vital that you thoroughly research whether or not you need a visa, and what type of visa you need. You must also ensure that you do not overstay your visa, so be aware of your visa's expiration date, should there be one.
  1. The Facts

    • A visa is required for any non-Australian citizen wishing to enter Australia. Depending on the type of visa you need, you can apply for a visa online, by mail or in person. There are typically charges associated with visa applications, and these must be paid before a visa can be issued. Further information on fees and charges for individual visas can be found on the Australian government's immigration website (see References). Prices are listed in Australian dollars.


    • There are several types of visas available for people who plan to enter Australia. Worker visas are available to skilled workers, employer-sponsored workers and people planning to establish businesses. Visitor visas are available for tourists on vacation and young people on working holidays, among others. Students who plan to study abroad in Australia will need to secure a visa prior to arrival. Additional visas are also available for refugees and migrants who do not fit into the previously mentioned categories.


    • You must obtain the correct type of visa before arriving in Australia. The Australian government's immigration website has a "Visa Wizard" section that can help you determine which visa is most likely to meet your needs. (See resources.)


    • Besides the application forms, additional documents are usually required when applying for a visa. These may include a passport, educational qualifications, bank statements or doctor's certificates. If applying online, you must attach photocopies of these documents to your online application. Without a full application and supporting documents, your visa request is likely to be denied. Specific requirements for each visa are outlined on the Australian government's Immigration website.

    Time Frame

    • The time between applying for a visa and receiving the decision can vary. Although some visas, such as the working holiday visa, can be issued within 48 hours, other visas, such as migration visas, can take as long as one year to be approved. You must investigate the details of your particular visa to find out the recommended time frame and when to lodge your application. If you do not hold a visa, you will be unable to enter Australia.


    • A migration agent is someone who can provide assistance with your visa application, particularly if you have a complicated case or you do not feel comfortable applying yourself. This person is ideally registered with the Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority, and is knowledgeable on immigration law. You are not required to use a migration agent when applying for a visa. However, if you wish to do so, the Australian government recommends that you use a registered migration agent.

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