Visa Requiremets for Australia

Australia issues several types of visas for visitors. Select the one that best suits your needs. There are few requirements set by the government for most tourists. If you travel as a sponsored family member, you and the sponsor will have specific qualifications. In general, if you wish to stay longer than your visa allows, you may apply for another visa as long as your passport is still current.
  1. Electronic Travel Authority Visitor Visa: Subclass 976

    • Choose this visa if you plan to stay less than three months in Australia for tourism, recreation or informal study. Apply for the ETA at least two weeks ahead of time. You can apply months ahead of time as it is valid for 12 months from date of issue or for the life of your passport if it has less than 12 months left on it. Apply online through the Australia Embassy or through a travel agent. As of 2010, the visa is free but has a service charge of $20 in Australian currency. Travel agencies may add an additional surcharge for the service. Most applications may be processed and granted within a few minutes.

    EVisitors Visa: Subclass 651

    • If you hold an European Union passport, you may apply for a visa online.

      Select this visa if your passport is from the European Union or a European country and you are traveling for a vacation, to visit friends or family or for a short-term business trip. It is valid for 12 months, and you may visit multiply times but are limited to a stay of up to three months each visit. Statutes require you to be in good health and of good character. Apply online for this fee-free, no-service-charge visa.

    Tourist Visa: Subclass 676

    • Certain visas allow you to stay longer than three months.

      Apply for this temporary visa if you plan to stay more than three months but less than 12 and are not traveling for medical or business reasons. This visa is for travelers on vacation, visiting family or friends and pursuing informal studies or training and allows for a single or multiple entries with stays up to three, six or 12 months. You will pay a fee for this visa. Apply online.

    Sponsored Family Visitor: Subclass 679

    • An Australian family member can sponsor your visit if you wish to stay longer than three months.

      Visit a family member in Australia for up to 12 months with the Sponsored Family Visitor visa, which requires formal sponsorship by an Australian citizen or permanent resident who is 18 years of age or older. The sponsorship is between the sponsoring Australian relative and the immigration bureau, and all correspondence will be between them. A relative is defined as a partner, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew or adopted equivalent. The visitor completes and signs the application form, sends it to the sponsor and arranges for visa label to be attached to his passport. This visa is not intended for travelers who are going for business or medical reasons. The sponsor pays the application fee. To begin the application process, start online.

    Other Types of Visas

    • Young people can qualify to stay in Australia up to 12 months while working and traveling.

      Australia has allowances for travelers seeking medical treatment. This specialized visa comes in a short or long stay version and is offered to both patient and traveling companion. The Working Holiday visa is for 18- to 30-year-old travelers wanting an extended holiday in Australia supplemented with short-term employment along with cultural exchange possibilities.

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