Process for Renewing a Visa

A visa is a document that indicates that a person is authorized to enter the country in which it was issued, be it temporarily or permanently. Visas generally expire after a set period of time, after which they must be renewed. Expiration dates and allowed entries to a particular country vary, so travelers need to be aware of the restrictions placed on their visa.
  1. Renewing a Visa

    • Visas eligible for renewal require the visa holder to complete a new application, pay the fees and schedule a personal interview at the U.S. Consulate. Renewals are available to those reapplying for new visas of the same class and those with visas expired less than 12 months.

    Non-Immigrant Visas

    • Non-immigrant visas are available for temporary travel for those who are not U.S. citizens or U.S. lawful permanent resident temporary visitors. The purpose of the intended travel, among other things, determines what type of visa is required.

    Immigrant Visas

    • Immigrant visas are available for those seeking to live permanently in the United States. Foreign citizens must be sponsored by a U.S. citizen relative(s), a U.S. lawful permanent resident or a prospective employer.

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