India Visa Information

A visa is necessary to travel to certain places as it is a form of approval from that country's immigration department that the visa holder is eligible to stay in the country for a certain amount of time. India require citizens of most countries of the world to have a visa before entering, regardless of how long the traveler intends on staying, or for what reason.
  1. Do I Need a Visa to Visit India?

    • All visitors coming to India need to have a visa. Visa exemptions are only available for citizens of Nepal and Bhutan. Citizens of all other countries who are traveling to India will have to file a visa application with the Indian embassy/consulate through a visa agency.

    Visa Agency

    • Indian embassies/consulates work with visa agencies to help process visas. When a person applies for a visa to India he will have to complete the visa application package with an external agency. The agency will review the application to make sure he has completed all of the appropriate fields of the application. The visa agency, in no way, helps with the official processing in granting or denying the visa.

    Travel Dates and Visa Application

    • As a rule the Indian embassy will not grant a new tourist visa if the visa applicant has been to India within the last two months. There must be at least a two-month gap period between visits before she will be granted another visa.

    Required Documentation

    • All visa applicants will be required to submit documentation to the visa agency that will in turn be submitted to the Indian embassy/consulate. The required documentation includes a visa application form, additional passport photos, a valid national passport and any supporting documents that may be requested.

    Supporting Documentation

    • The supporting documentation will vary depending on the type of visa for which the applicant is applying. If the applicant is applying for a work or study visa, he will be required to provide documentation that shows his work contract or school acceptance letter. If the applicant is applying for a tourist visa, the supporting documentation will be information that proves that he has strong ties in his home country. This helps prove to Indian immigration that the visa applicant intends on leaving India prior to the expiration date of the visa.


    • The cost of an India visa depends on the length of the visa. This number may increase when filing through a visa agency as they have additional fees that they charge to process the visa application.

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