How to Identify a Copperhead Snake

Copperhead snakes are fairly common in southern parts of the United States, and though they are often mistaken for cottonmouths, there are distinct characteristics which differentiate the two. Of course, it would be wise to steer clear of either one.


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      Observe the shape of the head. It has the triangular shape common to pit vipers, set upon a narrower neck. The eyes are located on each side of the head and overset by scaly plates. The pupils have vertical slits, like a cat's eyes, characteristic of the venomous pit vipers.

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      Notice the scales on the Copperhead snake. They most commonly form an hourglass pattern, with dark lines criss-crossing over a lighter background. There are five species of copperheads, and some have bands instead of the usual hourglass pattern. The coloration ranges from a pinkish color to bright orange, so you cannot judge from the colors themselves.

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      Note the heavy body of the Copperhead snake. They range from 2 to 3 feet in length and feed on mice, larger insects and other snakes. They live in a variety of habitats. Some live in hilly, wooded areas where they can hide in the shade and brush, others prefer the wetlands, making their homes swamps and riverbeds, and a few can be found in suburban neighborhoods.

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      Watch for the vibrating tail of a Copperhead snake, since this means they are about to strike. They are shy snakes, but quite nervous and they move very quickly. The venom is painful, but adults rarely die from the bite. A copperhead's fangs are approximately 2 inches long, which they lose periodically, to be replaced by another of the five to seven sets waiting in the upper or rear gums.

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      Look before you step! Wear boots and jeans if you are walking in the woods or wetlands where Copperheads live. Clear away brush and debris from your yard and around buildings, as these are places where they like to hide. If you take proper care you can avoid injury from a Copperhead but if bitten, seek immediate medical attention.

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