How to Find Niagara Falls Cheap Hotels

Niagara Falls is a great place to visit, and if you're looking for the best hotel deals possible in the area, I want to give you some pointers on how you can get the best deals on your next hotel stay.

Things You'll Need

  • Internet


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      The first thing that you want to do is look for a package. If you're going to fly, rent a car, and stay in a hotel, look for an all out package. This is usually where you can save your money. Try sites like Priceline, or Travelocity for great package deals.

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      Stay more than 2 nights. Generally, when you're staying a hotel, it's best to stay more than one night. Many hotels will give you a deal if you're staying 3 nights+. I've been to some hotels where I received a free night every 3 nights, which worked out for my budget.

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      Look for discounts online. If you know what hotel you're going to stay at, check and see what kind of discounts that you can get. If they have a hotel credit card, you may want to apply for it, just to receive the rewards, and perks. This can help out a lot.

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      Ask for an AAA discount. If you carry an AAA card, you'll want to check the hotel, and see if they accept it, because if they do, this can save you 10%+.

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      Name your own price. Priceline has a really cool feature where you can name your own price for a hotel. You simply tell the area (Niagara Falls) what you want to pay. In return, hotels will accept your offer. The only downfall is that you won't know if they what hotel you will be staying at.

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