How to Find a Cheap Hotel Near Disneyland

Looking for a cheap hotel near Disneyland in Anaheim, California? The resort itself has three hotels, but near the resort other hotels and motels are available. With a little searching, you can find a good rate or a discount.


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      If you are looking to cut down on your search time yet still find a cheap hotel near Disneyland, then start by contacting the American Automobile Association, or AAA. These folks have special deals for their members and you can qualify for these rates just by booking through their offices.

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      Check the Sunday newspaper to see what hotels have deals in the Disneyland area. You won't find the deals in the big, full-color ads, but in the small 1- or 2-inch listings that are found in the classifieds.

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      Call the local hotels. Start with the Super 8 that's only eight blocks from the Disneyland main gate. Another hotel to check out is called Alamo, south of Disneyland. If you don't mind the drive of 8 minutes, the Best Value Hotel in Buena Park also has great rates. The Motel 6, less than a mile from the main gate, was recently remodeled as of 2011.

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      Check out the Mouse Savers website to find recommended hotels and the deals they have available.

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