How to Find Cheap Hotels in Niagara Falls, New York

How to Find Cheap Hotels in Niagara Falls, New York. Niagara Falls draws nearly a million visitors every year as tourists from the United States, Canada and everywhere else come to visit one of the most famous natural attractions in the world.

Things You'll Need

  • Credit card
  • Hotel reservation
  • Plane tickets
  • Computer
  • Luggage
  • Map
  • Rental car


  1. Know Your Destination

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      Take advantage of Niagara Falls' location. The setting at a major border crossing between New York and Canada makes it one of the more accessible attractions in the area.

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      Ride the "Maid of the Mist", one of the most popular tourist ferries serving the falls. The Maid gets close enough to get guests wet, and the obligatory raincoat is included for all passengers to don while under the spray.

    Get Around Niagara Falls

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      Take the train to Niagara Falls from Penn Station in New York City. This is a cheap way to get to the falls, and also one of the most scenic. The trip takes approximately nine hours, but is a perfect way to see the countryside without the stress of flying or driving yourself.

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      Drive to Niagara Falls from Toronto (about an hour) or Buffalo, New York (30 minutes) for easiest access.

    Find Accommodations

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      To book accommodations, contact Niagara Tourism and Convention Corporation at (877) FALLS US or visit their Web site (see Resources below).

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      Plan your trip toward the beginning of peak travel season. If you come to Niagara Falls during early to mid-spring, you'll find slightly lower prices than those you'd find during the months of May and June.

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      Book accommodations for summer rentals as early as possible. Prices increase noticeably during the summer months, as much as $100 per room per night.

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      Look for cheap hotels and motels in the two-star range. These mid-level hotels will usually offer free continental breakfast and free parking. You may also be able to leverage a AAA or AARP discount at well-known nationwide chains.

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      Research cheap accommodations on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls as well as the U.S. side. Either side of the falls offers incredible vistas.

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