Where to Get a Cheap Airplane Ticket

When it comes to booking a plane ticket, cheaper is almost always better. Less expensive plane tickets can often mean the difference in someone's vacation destination. However, the great price doesn't always fall from the sky, and usually they have to be searched for. But for those willing to spend extra minutes digging up those lower air fairs, it will be worth the wait.

  1. Booking Online

    • Generally speaking, booking a plane ticket online is the cheapest way to go. A travel agent isn't a charging a fee to secure your seat, so there will be a few extra dollars saved right there. In addition, you will be able to search surrounding airports and days to find just when the cheapest possible plane is leaving and exactly how much it will be. Sites like "Travelocity," "Priceline" and "Expedia" are great, and for students "STA.com" often has discounted plane tickets for students.

    Credit Card Point Websites

    • Many credit cards have some sort of rewards program in which the user can generate points to use toward the purchase of airline tickets. Occasionally they will have sales on flights in hopes card holders might spend more on their card. However, if this doesn't happen, it is still possible to significantly reduce the price of the plane ticket with your air miles points (or even secure the seat for free).


    • Standby is the perfect way to secure inexpensive flight tickets when you don't care where you're going. Standby passengers purchase a special voucher from the airlines about a week in advance, and they will be notified if any seats become available. If this happens, you will be able to purchase the tickets for a fraction of the price. However, this doesn't always work because you never know when someone will cancel or not show.

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