How to Find Cheap Travel for Seniors

Just because you are a senior doesn't mean you don’t want to travel and have some fun. Yet the reality is many that seniors have more time on their hands and less money than those adults who are working full-time. If you know where to look, there are plenty of ways to cut costs for senior travel.


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      Travel abroad in the off-season. Summer is the most expensive time to travel as children are out of school and the weather is warmer. Air fares to Europe are much lower between mid-October and March.

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      Join Senior groups. Groups such as the American Association of Retired Persons offer travel discounts to anyone over age 50.

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      Travel by rail. Amtrak offers a 15% discount for senior travel. In Europe, different countries offers different deals. Eurostar offers 25% off fares for seniors, but they need to be booked ahead of time.

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      Look for early-bird menus at restaurants. Many seniors like to turn in early, so an meal served between 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. may suit your needs perfectly. Many restaurants offer the same meals for less money earlier in the evening.

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      Ask whenever and where ever you go if there is a senior discount. Many bargain prices are offered but not advertised. Make sure to ask for discounts at hotels, car rentals, retailers, restaurants, or when booking air, bus and train travel.

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