Camping Organization Ideas

Camping trips are fun but have the potential to create stress and chaos for the family member in charge of planning and organizing the trip. Having and executing a plan for staying organized allows you to reduce stress and to focus on the fun of camping and spending time with loved ones.
  1. Checklist

    • Create a checklist of items that you need for your camping trip. In addition to including the basics, such as a tent, sleeping bags and lanterns, include items that are necessary for cooking, eating and cleaning up after meals. Also compile a list of clothing and entertainment accessories you plan on bringing for yourself and each member of your family. When it comes time to pack items for your trip, check off each item once you have packed it and placed it in the car.


    • Compile your menu and shop for groceries prior to your camping trip. It is important to decide on your meals beforehand because you will not have access to a full kitchen when preparing your food at the campground. Selecting meals that are quick and effortless are ideal. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich with an apple is a simple lunch option that does not require refrigeration. Prior to leaving, research the area surrounding the campground to locate a convenience or grocery store in case you need to pick up any items during your trip.

    Storage Bins

    • Purchase storage bins and separate camping items according to their purpose. For example, in one bin place any and all items that can be used in the event of an emergency (e.g., fire extinguisher, flares). Toiletries (e.g., shampoo, toothpaste) should be placed in Ziploc bags to prevent leaking and in another bin so that they can be carried to and from the showering area with ease. Bins should also be used for medications and the first aid kit so that they are easily accessible. Each bin should be labelled so that family members can promptly locate what they need.

    Camping Gear

    • Read and review manuals on how to put up the tent, tarp or other camping gear before you arrive at the campground. Nothing can be more frustrating than spending hours of vacation time putting together camping gear. Prior to leaving, make sure you understand the directions and designate the persons responsible for constructing the gear. Bring the manuals with you to the campground in case you need to refer to them.

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