How to Visit Mount Rushmore in South Dakota

Mount Rushmore is one of the most famous monuments in the United States. It's located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. This impressive sight holds faces of four of the United States most important Presidents. Taking a vacation to the area can be a fun experience for people of all ages and here's how you can plan that trip.

Things You'll Need

  • Proper gear and attire
  • Maps
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    • 1

      Start your trip in Rapid City, South Dakota. Rapid City is only 20 miles from Mount Rushmore.

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      While you're in the area, stop at Fort Hayes. This is where the movie "Dances with Wolves" was filmed.

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      Travel down the Iron Mountain Road. It takes you over the Peter Norbeck National Scenic Byway and through magnificent tunnels.

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      Watch for buffalo, elk, antelope and big horn sheep at Custer State Park. This wonderful park will be a nice stop on your trip.

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      Take in the magnificent sights at Mount Rushmore. The faces of George Washington, Thomas Edison, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln are sure to impress everyone.

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      Walk through the Lincoln Borglum Museum. It holds wonderful artwork and tons of information about the construction of Mount Rushmore.

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