How to Navigate Ocean Currents

Ocean currents flow along consistent paths making them reliable guides for navigators. These currents are driven by two forces, the movement of the sun and the rotation of the Earth. There are essentially two types of ocean currents, surface and deep ocean currents. Use these steps to learn how to navigate them.


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      Get a map of the ocean currents and plot out your route. It is important to know the route you plan to take and how the currents flow throughout that route. There are 17 ocean currents in total, so make sure you are familiar with the way each one of them flows. Nautical Charts offers print-on-demand ocean current maps.

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      Check the weather for the days you plan to sail. Once you know the dates you will be navigating through your chosen ocean current, you will need to know the weather in those areas during those days. Obtain all of the essential nautical information, such as the wind velocity, water temperature and air temperature. You can find the information on the National Weather Service's website under "Marine Forecasts."

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      Have a strong sailing crew. It is important to surround yourself, your vessel and your adventure with experienced people who have dealt with ocean currents before. This is not only smart for the navigation of the trip, but is also a safety feature that should not be overlooked.

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