Volunteer Vacations in Washington, DC

When some people go on vacation, they want to relax, lie in the sun, go to the beach and indulge themselves. That's not the case with volunteer vacationers, where you get away to do hard labor for other people for free. Some volunteer vacations involve improving neighborhoods and beautifying parks, while others involve cooking meals for the hungry. You can go on a volunteer vacation anywhere, and there are options in Washington, D.C. that you can explore.
  1. Build Houses in Underprivileged Neighborhoods

    • Habitat for Humanity is a national philanthropic organization that aims to provide clean, affordable, energy-efficient housing to impoverished families. You can volunteer to work with the organization's Washington, D.C. chapter on a housing construction project. Volunteer as an individual or bring friends, co-workers or family members and volunteer as a group. Teenagers as young as 16 may volunteer. There are opportunities in construction and office work. Construction projects take place Tuesday through Saturday from 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. year-round.

    Feed the Hungry

    • The Georgetown Ministry Center is a nonprofit organization that provides food, housing, showers, laundry facilities and psychiatric services to Washington, D.C.'s homeless population. During the winter, volunteers operate a homeless shelter from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. seven days a week. You can volunteer in the office, or you can make sandwiches or dinner for 20 homeless people. You can also stay in the shelter for a full night when it's open during the winter. You provide companionship for the people who are staying there, serve them at mealtimes and sleep alongside them at night. You can stay for as many nights as you'd like.

    Support National Parks

    • You can volunteer for a week or more at Washington D.C.'s national parks, including the President's Park, which is the home of the White House. Help out at the visitor services offices, maintain the park's landscape and appearance or teach young visitors about the park's history. You may also volunteer for special events, such as the annual Christmas tree lighting that's held in the park.

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