Volunteer Vacations in Canada

To choose a volunteer vacation in Canada, consider whether you and the program are a good match. If you have a passion for caring for the environment and saving endangered species, you'll find opportunities ranging from monitoring bird migration to studying climate change in the Arctic tundra. Features you should consider when choosing a volunteer trip include the location of the program, transportation to and from the site, meals and accommodations, and any age and physical requirements.
  1. TLC--The Land Conservancy

    • TLC is a charitable trust in British Columbia, Canada whose mission is to protect the environment as well as properties with historical, cultural or recreational value. Gain a new perspective about conservation projects while exploring the scenic islands and forests of British Columbia. Volunteers are invited to participate in "conservation holidays" in projects ranging from shoreline cleanup to organic farming. The minimum age to participate is 19 years old with more than half of the volunteers being over 45 years of age. All meals are provided for with holiday participants assisting in food preparation and clean-up on a rotating basis. You will need to make your own travel arrangements to and from the program location.

      TLC Head Office

      301-1195 Esquimalt Road

      Victoria, British Columbia V9A 3N6



    Whale Watching

    • The Earthwatch Institute needs your help to protect gentle grey whales in their Canadian summer feeding areas in the waters of Clayoquot Sound off the coast of Vancouver Island. Spend days on the water in a sea kayak or fishing boat looking for whales and mapping their location. Assist researchers in designing better ways to protect them and to determine if they are being affected by climate change. Learn to assist with navigation, record data and analyze photographs. During your free time, explore the islands or enjoy the charm of Flores Island where you will be based.

      Earthwatch Institute

      114 Western Avenue

      Boston, Massachusetts 02134



    Brier Island Bird Migration Research Station

    • Brier Island has long been a mecca for Canadian birdwatchers with more than 325 identified resident and migrating bird species. Located on the westernmost point of land in Nova Scotia, birders can reach the island by an hourly ferry service. Experience fall songbird and raptor migration surrounded by forests of alder and white spruce. The research station is on property owned by Acadia University and operates only in the fall. The facilities are rustic, so you may choose to camp at the station or stay at a nearby hostel, motel or bed and breakfast in the town of Westport.

      Lance Laviolette

      RR 1

      Glen Robertson, ON

      Canada K0B 1H0

      514- 340-8310 Ext. 8495


    Climate Change at the Arctic's Edge

    • Climate Change at the Arctic's Edge is a vacation expedition designed to study climate change by examining its effects on the Arctic tundra and the flora and fauna of the forest wetlands. Learn how to perform soil core sampling to measure carbon levels in the permafrost. Evaluate growth rings in trees and shrubs of the North American peatlands. If you like cold weather and want to join the February teams you'll travel by sleds towed by snowmobiles and learn how to classify ice crystals and build and sleep in an igloo. Based at the Churchill Northern Studies Center in Manitoba, volunteers also study water quality, measure temperature and humidity and monitor the life cycles of wood frogs. Your stay includes accommodations in a dormitory room with modern washing facilities and eating meals at the Center's cafeteria.

      Earthwatch Institute

      114 Western Avenue

      Boston, Massachusetts 02134



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