How to Go South for the Winter

If you hate the cold weather and crave more sunshine year-round, going south for the winter may be ideal. For some people with certain medical conditions, being in a warmer climate in the winter may help alleviate symptoms. If you are retired it may be easier than if you are still working a full-time job, but with the right planning you can make going south for the winter a reality.


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      Research various locations. Look into the climate and research the population of the area. If you are retired, a location like Florida or Arizona may be a good choice. Check out crime statistics and cost of living to help select a location, and decide if you want to go to an area you have been to before or want to experience a new location.

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      Consider your finances. If you are retired consider the cost of traveling and the cost of living in the location you have chosen. If you are taking a leave of absence from work, determine if you have enough money to support your move. Look into employment opportunities in the area you will be moving to.

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      Arrange housing. Contact a real estate agent in the location you have chosen. Decide what type of housing you are looking for. Consider how long you are going for and if you will be returning for future winters. This will help you decide on a condo, house or apartment.

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      Close up your current home. Stop newspaper delivery, turn off utilities and contact the post office to inform them of your new address for the winter so they can forward your mail.

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      Ask a neighbor or friend to keep an eye on your home. Inform someone you trust that you are going south for the winter. They can check on your house from time to time to be sure windows and doors are still locked. Consider getting timers that will turn on the lights at night. It will give the appearance someone is home and help deter thieves.

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      Travel to your new location for the winter. Decide what you will take ahead of time to make packing easier. If you will be driving, select a route that will not take you through mountains and areas where there may be difficult road conditions.

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      Settle into your new winter home. Have utilities turned on before you get there. Unpack as soon as possible to make your new location feel homey. Look into activities and clubs to join if you are unfamiliar with the area you selected, and enjoy the sunshine and warm weather all winter long.

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