How to Spend the Perfect Weekend in Rochester, New York

More than 300 miles northeast of New York City, Rochester might not be the first upstate escape Manhattanites consider when making their weekend getaway plans. Those making the trek to this historic city on the southern fringes of Lake Ontario, however, will find a handsome and hospitable metropolis with more than enough fun to fill a few days. Read on to learn how to spend the perfect weekend in Rochester, New York.


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      Head to East Avenue to visit the Eastman House, the former home of Kodak founder George Eastman. The marvelous mansion serves as a superb museum of photography with close to half-a-million classic photos and negatives.

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      Stop by the University of Rochester's Memorial Art Gallery, the main art museum of the city. More than 10,000 works await here-including creations by such masters as Monet and Matisse.

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      Families with young children will especially enjoy the Strong Museum in Manhattan Square. Hands-on activities include a scaled-down grocery store and working radio station. A small branch of the local library, the National Toy Museum and an old-fashioned diner add to the diversions.

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      In fair weather, take a stroll or fly a kite at Ontario Beach Park, just north of the city. You'll find pretty piers and a boardwalk here, plus an ancient merry-go-round and a lake beach perfect for a picnic.

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      Another superb fresh air outing is Highland Park, designed by the great Frederic Law Olmstead, creator of Central Park. The park hosts a popular Lilac Festival each year in early May.

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      Visit the Susan B. Anthony House on Madison Street, where the women's rights leader lived for the last 40 years of her life. The old red brick home makes for a nice short stop with plenty of mementoes from Anthony's life. The cozy gift shop is worth a look when you're done touring the house.

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      Take in a live show or foreign film at the Little Theatre on East Avenue. Operating continuously since 1929, the five-screen theatre is an Art Deco wonder still boasting its original marquee.

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