Information on Montelimar, Nicaragua

During the summer months, vacationers might want to travel to areas that are cooler than home. Yet, tropical climates, especially those in Central America, are popular destinations as well. These areas offer full sun, coastal beaches, and resorts, activities and attractions. Montelimar, located on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, fulfils these requirements.
  1. Location

    • Montelimar is about an hour drive southwest of Managua, the capital of Nicaragua, and directly north
      of Pochomil, a coastal town. The Montelimar beach line stretches for about 7 miles along the coastline north of Pochomil.


    • From Montelimar, Volcano National Park is 37 miles away, and the Los Maribios Volcanic Range
      is 46 miles away. Granada, a colonial town, is about 50 miles away. The Montelimar cave is famous
      for its petroglyphs, which are prehistoric drawings made with natural pigments.


    • Resorts and hotels offer general activities such as tennis, swimming, soccer and miniature golf. At the Barcelo Beach, there is a casino and during the night, clubs and musical entertainment. Along the beachfront, called the Playa Montelimar, water sports and volleyball can be found. In the surrounding parks, there are trails where horse rides are offered.


    • For flights, the nearest airport is the Augusto International Airport, which is about 45 miles away from
      Montelimar. There is also the Managua International Airport, about an hour away. The Barcelo Beach has a private airport. Resorts will offer shuttle service from the two local airports, but a car can be rented as well.


    • The Nicaraguan government has made a concerted effort to improve the tourism throughout its coastal areas. As a result, telephone and Internet services are up to date. The infrastructure has also improved. Leading up to the coast, roads are paved and walking areas are marked off.

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