How to Visit the Pyramids

Dating back more than four millennium, the Pyramids at Giza, Egypt are among the oldest standing man-made structures on the planet. Although far removed from the modern world in terms of time, they're a convenient journey from downtown Cairo---just 25 km southwest by bus, taxi or metro. No matter which of these means you choose, there are a number of steps you need to take, such as getting to Egypt in the first place.


    • 1

      Determine whether or not you need to get your Egyptian visa in advance. Nationals from many nations, including the UK, United States, Canada and all EU member nations can get tourist visas on arrival at an Egyptian airport. Otherwise, you'll need to contact the Egyptian Embassy in your country of residence at least one month in advance of your trip.

    • 2

      Purchase a plane ticket to Egypt. If you want to see the Pyramids right away, Cairo is your best choice of entry point, although international travelers may also enter the country at Luxor in the south and Alexandria in the north.

    • 3

      Hop in a taxi at Cairo International Airport. If you want the taxi to take you all the way to the Pyramids, make sure and arrange a price in advance, and don't agree to any shopping trips to driver suggests. Otherwise, have the taxi take you to the center of the city.

    • 4

      Have the taxi drop you off at the Egyptian Museum if you'd like to travel to the Pyramids via air-conditioned bus. Take your choice of Bus 355 or Bus 357 from the nearby Abdel Menem Riyad Station to the pyramids.

    • 5

      Have the taxi drop you off at any Cairo Metro station if you'd rather not travel the whole journey by bus. Take Line 2 to Giza station, from which a "minibus" will transport you the rest of the way to the pyramids.

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