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Temple With Bat Cave in Bali, Indonesia

Located on Bali's eastern coast is the small temple of Goa Lawah. The temple, which is built in front of a cave opening in the cliffs of the coast, is home to thousands of fruit bats.
  1. Geography

    • Klungkung children display traditional clothing.

      Goa Lawah is one of the state temples of Klungkung, a small district in eastern Bali.


    • It is now forbidden to enter Goa Lawah.

      Legend has it that when Klungkung was ruled from Kusamba, an important Bali port, a Mengwi prince walked 19 miles through the sacred cave to prove he was the descendant of the Mengwi king. Entering is now forbidden.


    • Goa Lawah is used for funeral rites.

      Goa Lawah is Bali's most sacred temple when it comes to the afterlife. On holy days, the beach in front of Goa Lawah is used for funeral rites by people who have the money to do so.


    • Pythons gorge themselves on bats in Goa Lawah.

      The long-nose fruit bats hang from Goa Lawah's ceiling. The cave floor is carpeted with bat droppings and bat-stuffed pythons.


    • If bats make your blood run cold, visit during the daytime.

      At nighttime, the bats leave the cave of Goa Lawah in search of food.

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