Tours of Russia

Anyone that loves traveling should include Russia in her plans. Russia has an array of rivers, forests and mountains to explore by cruises or train, and the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg provide churches, monasteries, fortresses and palaces. River cruises and train may be the best way to get an overall experience of Russia, but city tours provide an up-close picture of the history and culture of St. Petersburg and Moscow.
  1. River Cruises

    • River cruises give you opportunities that no other travel methods can provide. A river cruise around Russia takes a traveler through cities such as Moscow, Uglich, Goritsy, Kizhi, Mandrogi and St. Petersburg. During the trip, you will visit the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the Museum of Architecture in Kizhi and the Kirillo-Belosersky Monastery near Goritsy. The cruise includes walking tours and free time for exploration of the small villages along the route. The cruise provides all dining on board the ship.

      Optima Tours Ltd
      257 West 39th Street, Studio 39
      New York, NY 10019

    Tour of St. Petersburg

    • A five-day tour of St. Petersburg takes you through the old city, to the Hermitage, to Peterhof, to Catherine's palace in Tsarskoye Selo, and to Peter and Paul Fortress and Peter and Paul Cathedral, where many of the tsars are entombed. Free time allows you to explore the city on your own and dine at restaurants of your choosing. The tour price includes tickets to museums, transportation, guide service, hotels and breakfasts.

      Express to Russia
      Muchnoi Per 2
      St. Petersburg,
      Russia 191123

    Trans-Siberian Express Train

    • The Trans-Siberian Express takes you across Russia for a memorable trip that starts in Moscow and travels east to the port of Vladivostok. This tour provides three days in Moscow before you board the train heading east all the way to Vladivostok. In Moscow you will have the opportunity to see the Kremlin and Red Square. At Irkutsk you will have three days to visit Lake Baikal, the Museum of Wooden Architecture, historic houses and buildings, and a private zoo and to sample the local Siberian foods. You can also take a train ride around the huge lake to explore small villages and a marble mining town. Two more days of travel through the Russian Far East will bring you to Vladivostok, the "Russian San Francisco," where you will walk on Svetlanskaya Street and Okeansky Prospekt and relax on one of the local beaches.

      Travel All Russia
      2300 North Pershing Dr. Suite 202,
      Arlington VA, 22201

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