How to Teach English in Spain For The Summer

You'll hear about opportunities to teach English abroad throughout your college career, especially if you're an education major. Even if you're not learning to be a teacher, there are still many opportunities to teach English in another country. Teaching English in Spain during the summer is a popular program for those interested in spending a short time in Spain while gaining teaching experience.


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      Begin looking for programs in March. Most teaching summer camps in Spain run from late June to late August. If you are a certified teacher with experience teaching English, getting into a summer program will be easier than if you didn't have the experience.

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      Find programs at your school. Summer teaching programs, especially in Spain, are typically offered at major institutions or through an extracurricular group, like a teaching club. Ask faculty if they know of any programs for teaching English in Spain during the summer. School-sponsored opportunities are usually the cheapest options.

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      Go to the website for Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) to become certified to teach overseas (see Resources). This is the best opportunity for someone lacking teaching experience. The only requirements for teaching English in Spain through the TEFL Institute include a completion of TEFL Institute Professional Course online and a high school diploma (see References).

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      Complete the TEFL course for Spain to receive certification (see Resources). The online training course lasts for four weeks and costs about $1,900. Course certification does not include personal expenses, flights, visa, immunizations, housing and insurance. In Spain, it will cost about 500 Euros per month to live in a hostel.

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      Complete the application process by having a phone interview and sending your resume after you complete the TEFL course. While it's easy to have your application accepted once you've completed the online course, specific assignments depend on where there are openings. List at least five locations in Spain, such as Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Seville and Valencia.

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