How to Apply for a Visa to Spain

Planning a trip to Spain can be fun and exciting. Before you embark on this adventure, it is important to be sure that you have obtained all of the necessary documents that are required when traveling to and from Spain. Depending on where you will be traveling from, a Visa may or may not be required. Regardless of government guidelines and requirements, it is always a good idea to obtain a Visa and carry it with you at all times. In the event of an emergency or unexpected situation, you will be thankful that you are adequately prepared, and a Visa will prove beneficial in such instances.


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      Apply for a passport if you do not already have one, as it will be required for you to obtain a Visa. Apply for your passport approximately six months prior to your trip to Spain, if possible.

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      Determine the type of Visa that you would like to apply for, depending on the length of time you are planning to stay in Spain. Choose between tourist, student, business, transit and residency Visas.

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      Contact the Spanish consulate that is closest to your home. Speak with them about their individual requirements to obtain a Visa, as every Spanish consulate has its own application procedures. Obtain a Visa application.

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      Be sure you apply for the appropriate type of Visa before visiting Spain because you will not be able to transfer Visas once you arrive in the country. Remember that a tourist Visa will have to remain a tourist Visa for the entire length of your visit, so if you make the decision to attend college in Spain once you are there, you will not be able to transfer your Visa from a tourist to a student Visa without first returning to your home country to do so.

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      Fill out the Visa application and be sure to provide all of the necessary documents and verify your identification. Submit all of the forms to the Spanish consulate at least 10 weeks prior to your planned trip to Spain.

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      Avoid waiting too long to apply for passports and Visas, and be sure to allow adequate time for your Visa to arrive prior to your trip.

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