How to Teach English in Natal, Brazil

Natal is a northeastern city of Brazil and a popular tourist destination. Known for year round sunshine, Natal is also the home of the 2014 World Cup. Teaching English in this flourishing city can be a rewarding experience that gives you the chance to help others while exploring Brazilian life. With the proper training and persistent networking, you can soon find yourself with a reliable teaching job that allows you to make Natal your new home for a short time or a long while.


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      Enroll in a Teaching English as a Foreign Language course in Natal if you don't already have a TEFL certification. Course providers that offer TEFL classes in Natal include TESOL Course and TEFL International. Although not always required, certification shows that you are skilled and trained to teach English. This certification also gives competitive advantage among the many applicants desiring to teach English in a beautiful, foreign country. TESOL courses also provide job search support to connect you with prospective employers.

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      Contact and send your CV (resume) to organizations that offer English language courses. In Natal, this includes mainly high schools and universities such as Federal University of Natal. Language schools in Natal that hire English teachers as Yazigi and Fisk.

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      Use social media networks such as FaceBook and LinkedIn to connect with professionals living in Natal, Brazil. Ask for contacts and suggestions as to where to look to find teaching English jobs along with insights on the country. is a bulletin board forum where individuals can post inquiries about teaching English jobs in Natal and other parts of the world. Natal travel blogs and forums can also connect you with people who are living and can give you information on opportunities.

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      Look for teaching English jobs in the newspapers and online job boards and Natal newspapers such as Tribuna do Norte and Diario de Natal. Online job boards such as Dave's ESL cafe occasionally posts open teaching positions in Natal and other parts of the world.

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