How to Communicate in Spanish When You Do Not Speak Spanish

Trying to communicate in a language you don't speak can be frustrating. Trying to speak Spanish when you don't speak Spanish is no different; however, there are a few steps you can take to get your point across even with the language barrier between you. Besides asking if the person speaks your language, you can utilize a phrasebook, make hand gestures or even create a drawing to communicate what you want to say.

Things You'll Need

  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Spanish phrasebook
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  1. Instructions

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      Ask the other person if they speak your language. Many people know multiple languages, so it's worth asking if they know yours.

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      Refer to a Spanish phrasebook. A phrasebook serves as a quick reference for those trying to communicate in a foreign language. The user can look up a sentence in his language to find the Spanish translation. Unlike a translation dictionary, these references offer an entire phrase at once to make communication move faster. Phrasebooks are available for many languages in hard copy versions, while there are also online versions. Smart Phase is one website that offers a database of thousands of phrases, arranged by subject, that can be translated into seven different languages.

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      Use hand gestures. You may feel silly, but a lot can be communicated by acting out what you're trying to say. For example, if you're wondering what time it is, tap your finger to your wrist. If you're in search of a restaurant, rub your stomach and make a motion like you're eating.

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      Draw a picture. People trying to communicate in Spanish can draw what they're trying to communicate. This may include drawing a train to inquire where the nearest station is or illustrating a heart to tell someone you care. You may want to make a library of flashcards to showcase what you're trying to communicate with someone who doesn't speak your language.

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