How to Stay in a Castle in Ireland

Ireland has more than its fair share of hotels, bed-and-breakfasts, hostels and farmhouses. If you want to get a taste for Ireland's history, however, you might want to consider staying in a castle. Many of them serve as hotels, and they are dotted throughout the Irish countryside.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet connection
  • Credit card
  • Love of adventure and history
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      Decide what kind of castle experience you're looking for based on your preference and available budget. Many Irish castles operate just like hotels in which guests check in for one room or suite. Travelers also have the option to rent a castle, which is called a "self-catering" castle.

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      Visit Irish travel websites to help narrow your search. The Celtic Castles ( website includes a list of self-catering castle accommodations and castles that offer hotel-style accommodation. Another site that provides information on Irish castles is Authentic Ireland (, which offers travel packages and custom tours.

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      Check the rules and accommodations for the castles in which you're interested. If you prefer renting a castle, keep in mind that meals will not be included in the price of your stay. Guests must provide their own food and do their own cooking. Also, some castles do not allow guests who are younger than 10. If you're planning to travel with children, be sure the castle you choose will allow them to stay. Once you have gathered information about the options available, select the castle at which you'd like to stay.

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      Book your trip. Keep in mind the exchange rate when determining the price of the stay. The currency of the Republic of Ireland is the euro, while Northern Ireland uses the pound sterling. To see how much the castle will cost in U.S. dollars, use an online currency converter (see Resources section). Also keep in mind that the exchange rate changes daily, though major fluctuations are not common.

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