How to Obtain a Copy of a Foreign Birth Certificate

It can be a laborious process to obtain a copy of a foreign birth certificate. However, such a document is necessary for everything from employment to a passport application. There are several government agencies that can be contacted for assistance, though each country has their own particular applications and practices.


    • 1

      Call your local library and check to see if they have the U.S. Department of State Publication 7846, Foreign Consular Offices in the United States.

    • 2

      Go to the library and find the address and phone number of the consulate for the country from which the birth certificate is needed, or consult the website in Resources below.

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      Gather as much information as you can about the birth. This includes the name of the hospital, the date, the time, and any other personal information that may help the consulate track down a record of birth in a country without a good record keeping system.

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      Call the embassy or consulate office to inquire about the steps needed for that particular country. Every country has different laws and regulations on this, and since some countries do not keep accurate birth records, they may have forms you can fill out to receive the nearest approximation of a birth certificate.

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      If the embassy or consulate can't help, your next step is to the Office of Overseas Citizens Services, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520-4818.

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      Thoroughly examine and fill out any and all forms that are sent to you by your consulate or the Office of Overseas Citizens Services.

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