How to Book Train Travel From Cairo to Luxor, Egypt

It's hard to imagine a land more steeped in culture and history than Egypt. Those hoping to book train travel from Cairo to Luxor should know that Luxor justifiably earns its description as "the world's greatest open-air museum." Luxor offers a host of temple ruins, monuments and tombs. Follow these steps to start planning your trip.


  1. Book Tickets for Train Travel from Cairo to Luxor

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      Look for Egyptian National Railways on the Web (see Resources below). Reserve your tickets online using its site.

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      Book your tickets by telephone. Call Egyptian National Railways at 011 (+20) 575 3555.

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      Avoid the lines at the train station. Book your tickets in advance via email or fax through a travel agency.

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      In most cases, no more than two sleeper trains depart the Cairo station each night. Choosing this option limits your flexibility somewhat when it comes to departure and arrival times.

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      Plan on your travel time lasting approximately 9 hours.

    Pick a Train for Travel From Cairo to Luxor

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      Enjoy a comfortable night on the rails by choosing an overnight, deluxe sleeper train. These trains are your most upscale alternative. They offer air-conditioned sleeper cars.

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      Opt for more value-priced transportation by picking an overnight air-conditioned express train. These cost less than the sleeper trains; however, you'll have to sleep in your seat.

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      Drink in scenic vistas by picking a daytime, air-conditioned express train. Accommodations are comfortable, but be aware that the journey takes the better part of the day.

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      Fares on a deluxe sleeper for those traveling between Cairo and Luxor can run as high as $80. Travel on express trains typically costs less than $15.

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