How to Book Train Travel From Scotland to Wales

Getting from Scotland to Wales by train may seem like a difficult task, considering the differences in cultures between these parts of the United Kingdom. In truth, booking a train ticket and enjoying the range of landscapes and cultures found across Britain, is far easier than you may expect.

Things You'll Need

  • Telephone with international dialing capability.
  • A valid passport.
  • Computer with Internet access for making reservations.
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  1. Choose Your Destination

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      Start your journey by deciding where in Wales you wish to arrive. Though the rail service in the United Kingdom is pretty comprehensive, not all lines service both Scotland and Wales.

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      Plan on booking extra transportation if your sights are set on the Midlands or North of Wales. These sections of the country are not directly accessible from Scotland, so you will need to arrange other transport to reach them.

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      Arrive in the South of Wales for the most direct route from Scotland. You may have the choice of up to four rail services for your travel via this route.

    Select Your Traveling Class

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      Travel first class and expect to pay a high price. The price difference between first and second class is often more than 50%.

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      Sleep in comfort by thinking carefully about your travel accommodations when you take the train from Scotland to Wales overnight. A couchette is often more comfortable than an ordinary seat, and a sleeping car provides the most privacy and comfort for long train passages.

    Book Your Train Ticket

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      To book accommodations, contact First ScotRail at 011 (+0845) 601 5929 or visit their Web site (see Resources, below).

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      Buy your ticket well in advance of your travel and you could save money. There are often better deals on rail travel for early bookings as well as for trains with earlier departure schedules.

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