How to Book Train Travel From Northam to Perth

Whether you are coming from elsewhere or returning from a weekend getaway, the short 100km (60-mile) trip from Northam to Perth, Australia, is a natural fit for train travel. Renting a car in a country that drives on the other side of the road is a headache at best. Sit back and enjoy the comfort and efficiency of Australian commuter travel with this short and easy train to beautiful, coastal Perth.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer with Internet connection
  • Major credit card
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  1. Book Train Travel From Northam to Perth

    • 1

      Go to the official TransWa Web site and fill in the 'Trip Planner' with all the details of your desired trip (see Resources below). If you wish to book over the phone instead, call the Bookings office within Australia at 1-300-66-2205, or internationally at +011 61 8 9326 2600.

    • 2

      Fill in the personal information requested, such as your name, phone number and email address. You won't provide your credit card information until you are ready to pay.

    • 3

      Select the train you want from the options returned. Note the different pictures for buses and trains.

    • 4

      Fill in your billing information, get your confirmation number and start planning what you'll do in Perth.

    • 5

      Get yourself to the Northam Station on Peel Terrace approximately one hour early. There are several trains leaving for Perth every day, but they are also very popular and fill up quickly.

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