How to Plan an Adventure Trip to Peru

In Peru, you can travel through ancient ruins, trek the Inca Trail, hike through the Amazon rainforest and explore the lost city of Machu Picchu. The mountainous regions of Peru are beautiful and make for a terrific adventure and sightseeing trip. Although you can travel by train in Peru, it is an ideal destination for an extreme adventure trip.

Things You'll Need

  • Appropriate clothing and gear
  • Trip reservation
  • Airline tickets
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      Head to the library. Absorb some of the history of Peru and the Inca civilizations. Decide what area of Peru you would like to explore.

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      Choose your adventure activities. Whether you are interested in trekking, hiking, whitewater river rafting, kayaking or mountain biking, you will be able to do it all in Peru.

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      Call Adventure Life at (800) 344-6118. Adventure Life offers a variety of adventure packages in Peru. You can choose from six-day to 16-day packages, or design a custom package of your own. Accommodations vary. At some locations, you will camp in a tent, while at others you will stay at a charming hotel. On days in which you are off the beaten path, meals are included. When you are in a major Peruvian city, you will dine at restaurants and pay for your meals separately.

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      Select a date for your adventure trip. The dry season in Peru is May through November. Although it is dry, the temperatures sometimes drop to below freezing. The most popular and expensive time to visit Peru is June through August. In addition to higher prices, locations in Peru are much more crowded in these months. The wet season in Peru is December through April. It may rain every day during this time, but the afternoon showers do not usually last more than an hour. Many people find the ideal time to visit Peru is when the season is changing--April and May or October and November.

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      Book your adventure trip. Airfare is not included in the packages offered by Adventure Life. Call Gate 1 Travel at (800) 682-3333 for discounted airfare from several U.S. cities to Peru. Take your trip, and enjoy exploring the ancient civilizations of Peru on your adventure.

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